Food pantry (groceries)
The Grocery Spot
17 minutes
average wait time
0.53 mi
Shoppers who are not registered can arrive at The Grocery Spot 10 minutes before their appointment to complete the registration process. One time registration required. You MUST sign up for an appointment to shop. Go to and click the pop-up that says "SHOPPERS CLICK HERE" to go directly to
Tuesday appointments are for the general public.
Friday appointments are for individuals who are actively employed, college students, or veterans and MUST show valid work/school/military ID or paperwork.
- Must bring own bags/cart
- Free Groceries
Fri, March 21st (in 3 weeks)
2:00 pm–5:00 pm
- ID required
- Teachers/School staff, City/State workers, EMS/First Responders w/ valid work ID
Tue, March 25th (next month)
2:00 pm–5:00 pm
- Open to all
Fri, March 28th (next month)
2:00 pm–5:00 pm
- ID required
- Teachers/School staff, City/State workers, EMS/First Responders w/ valid work ID
2:00 pm–5:00 pm
every week on Tuesday
2:00 pm–5:00 pm
every week on Friday