Bentley Community Services
1,666 hours 39 minutes
average wait time
pantry help low income families take $85 a month and give $1200 worth of vouchers to shop high-quality food every month so they give four vouchers each week worth $300 to every family
- Donations required
- Proof of household income required
- Appointments required
- Pre-registration required by phone
- Offers job training/assistance
- Toiletries, if available
Next Wednesday
1:00 pm–6:00 pm
- Diapers upon availability
- Pet food upon availability
Wed, December 4th (in 2 weeks)
1:00 pm–6:00 pm
- Diapers upon availability
- Pet food upon availability
Wed, December 11th (in 3 weeks)
1:00 pm–6:00 pm
- Diapers upon availability
- Pet food upon availability
1:00 pm–6:00 pm
every week on Wednesday