Food pantry (groceries)
Focus Spanish Center
56 minutes
average wait time
- Please check the sign by the door for schedule because they change their schedule for the month every so often.
- They only distribute food every 2 wednesdays in a month and the schedule is not set so call aheadd to get the correct work schedule or keep a look out for the posted sign for the next distribution day
- Only serves residents of New jersey
- Will have a a back to school event on the 29th of August. please feel free to bring your kids.
- Proof of address required
- ID required
- Must bring own bags/cart
- Call in advance for services
- Free Groceries
- Diapers upon availability
This Wednesday
10:00 am
Wed, January 1st (next week)
10:00 am
Wed, January 8th (in 2 weeks)
10:00 am
10:00 am
every week on Wednesday
(973) 624-2528