Food pantry (groceries)
The Perfecting Church
33 minutes
average wait time
Please pre-register for your pantry of choice below noting that registration opens the Monday prior (for Wednesday pantries) or Wednesday prior (for Saturday pantries) to the date of operation for all pantries EXCEPT the emergency pantry at Perfecting Plaza which operates by appointment.
Encouraging the use of our text alert service. Subscribing to the text alert service for your pantry of choice ensures you receive the link to pre-register. Please subscribe to your pantry of choice:
- HopeMobile (all one word) to the number 856-438-7671 for Hope Mobile Winslow
- FoodPantry (all one word) to the number 856-438-7671for County House Village
- SchoolPantry (all one word) to the number 856-438-7671 for Camden’s Charter SN
- Wooster (all one word) to the number 856-438-7671 for Wooster Towers
- LOCPantry (all one word) to the number 856-438-7671 for Perfecting Plaza
Go to and click the Pre-register button of your preferred location.
- Wear Facemask
- Bring ID and proof of residence
- Appointments required
- Drive-Thru Only
- Free Groceries
- Emergency food available. Call to inquire.