Food pantry (groceries)
Breath of God Feeding Program
25 minutes
average wait time
- ticket ares distribued at 8 am and then the food starts beeing distributed at 11am
- Get a number/ticket
- Free Groceries
Sat, March 22nd (next week)
Food pantry (groceries): 8:00 am
- First come, first serve: open until food runs out
Sat, April 26th (next month)
Food pantry (groceries): 8:00 am
- First come, first serve: open until food runs out
Sat, May 24th (in 2 months)
Food pantry (groceries): 8:00 am
- First come, first serve: open until food runs out
Food pantry (groceries): 8:00 am
every month on the 4th Saturday