Food pantry (groceries)
Cherry Hill United Methodist Church
7 minutes
average wait time
Distribution is at end of the parking lot , Please use left door we distribute food out side, the Gate is open just walkin it seems like gate is close but we keep open so client can enter
- Food pantry: Needs to fill out a form
- Free Groceries
Mon, December 30th (next week)
9:00 am
- Client can visit: twice a month
Fri, January 10th (in 2 weeks)
9:00 am
- Closed During Year: Inclement weather
- Fresh produce
- Distribution in parking lot
- First come, first serve: open until food runs out
Mon, January 13th (in 3 weeks)
9:00 am
- Client can visit: twice a month
9:00 am
every month on the 2nd Friday
9:00 am
every 2 weeks on Monday