Food pantry (groceries)
The Food Project Baltimore
33 minutes
average wait time
The Food Project Baltimore helps with the following:
- Pop-up market Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 o'clock.
- Mega food giveaway every third Thursday of the month w/ 24 pallets of food.
- Deliver one meal a week to 350 food and secure within the community. People can be added to the list if they're in 21223 and 21227 primarily. Call (410) 877-6020 to inquire.
- Gospel brunch every third Sunday. If it's around the holidays, it becomes our holiday community dinner.
- The Franciscan Center helps with documents and SNAP every first Friday.
- MVA does the learners permit testing every third Friday.
- Healthcare for the homeless mobile van is there Mondays and Thursdays.
- St Agnes Mobile Van is available every Tuesday
- In-house therapy with Therapeutic Wellness
- Free Groceries
11:00 am
- Pop up food pantry
- First come, first serve: open until food runs out
Next Tuesday
11:00 am
- Pop up food pantry
- First come, first serve: open until food runs out
Thu, January 30th (next week)
11:00 am
- Pop up food pantry
- First come, first serve: open until food runs out
11:00 am
every week on Tuesday, Thursday
10:00 am–5:00 pm
every month on the 3rd Thursday